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Authentic ancient Greek coin Alexander the Great 336-323 BC DISTATER-17.23g

SKU:274519455260 Category:
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Alexander III of Macedon or Alexander the Great (Greek: Αλέξανδρος Γ 'ο Μακεδών or Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος; Megas Alexandros) was king (basileus) of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia and hegemon of the Corinthian Union from 336. until his death in 323 BC.

He was born on July 20, 356 BC. in Pella and died on June 10 or 11, 323 BC. in Babylon, Persia. Only twenty years old, he inherited the throne from his father Philip II and for most of his reign waged unprecedented military campaigns in the Middle East. Before turning thirty, Alexander III established one of the largest empires in the ancient world, stretching from Greece through Egypt to present-day Pakistan. [1] Invincible in battle, Alexander the Great is considered one of the most successful commanders in history. [2]

Until the age of 16, Alexander was taught by the philosopher Aristotle. When he ascended the throne in 336 BC, after the assassination of Philip, Alexander inherited a strong kingdom and an experienced army. In 334 BC. the young ruler invaded the Persian Achaemenid Empire, which ruled Asia Minor, and began a series of military campaigns that lasted ten years. Alexander III defeated the forces of Persia in a series of decisive battles, key ones at Isa and Gavgamela, and completely conquered the territories of the empire along the Indus River. In his quest to reach the 'end of the world and the Great Outer Sea,' he invaded India in 326 BC, but was eventually forced to return at the request of his troops. Alexander the Great died in 323 BC in Babylon - the city he planned to make his capital [3] - leaving unfulfilled a series of planned campaigns, primarily the invasion of Arabia. Years after his death, a series of civil wars tore his empire into several states ruled by diadochi, his surviving strategists and successors.

Alexander founded twenty cities bearing his name, the most famous of which is Alexandria in Egypt. The founding of colonies by Alexander the Great and the spread of Greek culture in the East gave rise to the new Hellenistic civilization. Alexander the Great acquired the image of a legendary classical hero, similar to Achilles, and occupied an important place in the history and myths of Greek and non-Greek cultures. He became a benchmark against which military leaders were compared, and military academies around the world were still studying his tactics for fighting. [4]